Thursday, 14 March 2013

Bad day and Good Food!!

Today was one of those days, the kind where I'd rather go crawl into bed and sleep for a few hours then be at work. It snowed a few inches this morning and we're back to cold, windy, dreary winter conditions. Bleh! I am so super duper excited for summer its not even funny. Actually I've been looking forward spring since about... oh umm, maybe the end of August?? I know, its pathetic, I live in a northern climate and winter should just be a normal accepted part of life, but I just can't seem to accept or enjoy it that much.:( Plus, I managed to pop out another coldsore :(, sadly I am one of the many that suffers from this painfull, annoying and completely unflattering virus. Definately not something that makes your day.

Anyway! Enough of that. On to some food related topics! I tried quinoa for the first time today (it might be the second time actually but I can't remember how it tasted the first time so I'll say its the first) and loved it!! I didn't do anything fancy with it,  I just wanted to cook it and be able to taste the real deal.

 I actually ended up eating it plain, so much better then rice! Totally going to start using it as a regular weekly (ish) part of my somewhat irregular and unorganized mealplan. I love meal-planning and when I take the time to actually write it all down and make a grocery list, it works really well. Sometimes I need a good kick in the pants though to do it. (The last couple of weeks have not been very stellar in the planning/organization area.)

I bought a new cookbook the other day called The Loonespoons Collection, its amazing! So many pictures and funny little cartoons all throughout, its really fun to look through. A friend of mine has it and she cooks from it regularly, including an amazing chocolate three layer cake for my birthday last week! I'm pretty sure I gained 10 lbs in this last week alone trying to finish off the last 1/3 of the cake. Which reminds me... I could really use a piece right now:). Heres a pic of the book, from Costco for $19.99.

Food is one of those things that I can't say no to, especially sugary, bad for my love handles, good for my heart (not my physical one mind you!) goodies! I have recently toyed with the idea of giving up sugar, even just for a short time, but I always manage to find some excuse for why I should put it off, like "oh wait, it's my birthday tomorrow", or "I'd rather start at the beginning of the week", or the best one, "but I can't let this go bad, it has to be eaten!" Like I'm doing the food a service or something. Somehow that makes sense to my sugar craving brain.

Who knows, maybe soon I'll find the determination/motivation/desire to attempt a sugar fast, and then again, maybe I'll just start going to the gym instead:)

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